The Falun Gong Story When the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution campaign against Falun Gong 20 years ago, the world was, understandably, caught... 02-08-2020 | UNCATEGORIZED
How I Learned to Stop Hating Falun Gong I was a Chinese Communist youth leader when I was in middle school. I was assigned to organize class screenings... 01-26-2020 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
Worldwide Vigils Mark 20th Anniversary of Falun Gong Appeal NEW YORK — Practitioners of Falun Gong will mark April 25 this Thursday with candlelight vigils around the world, remembering... 04-24-2019 | PRESS RELEASES
В градовете София, Пловдив и Стара Загора Българсаката Фалун Дафа Асоциация ще проведе мирни протести Преди 23 години в Пекин се провежда най-мащабният мирен протест в съвременен Китай – апел против неправомерното задържане на съмишленици... 04-20-2022 | UNCATEGORIZED
Forced Organ Harvesting They hold prisoners of conscience against their will, often illegally, examine them for organ compatibility, and then systematically remove their... 10-10-2019 | VIDEO