The Falun Gong Story When the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution campaign against Falun Gong 20 years ago, the world was, understandably, caught... 02-08-2020 | UNCATEGORIZED
How I Learned to Stop Hating Falun Gong I was a Chinese Communist youth leader when I was in middle school. I was assigned to organize class screenings... 01-26-2020 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
'Guards drew my blood:' Falun Gong practitioner recalls nightmare in Chinese detention By Daniel Cameron It’s hard to imagine this sweet lady was tortured, almost killed, at the hands of the very... 01-17-2020 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS
636 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in September 2019 Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual practice centered on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.... 12-02-2019 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Chinese Ministry of Public Security: Letter of Appreciation Highlighting Effectiveness of Falun Gong’s Healing The Ministry of Public Security, People’s Republic of China: A letter of Appreciation to the China Qigong Science Research Society... 11-29-2019 | UNCATEGORIZED
45 More Falun Gong Practitioner Deaths Confirmed in China Tens of millions of people who practice Falun Gong in China today remain at risk of wrongful detainment, torture, and... 11-24-2019 | VIDEO
How 20 Years of Brutality against Falun Gong Impacts China and the World July 20, 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the Chinese regime’s brutal campaign to eliminate Falun Gong. Take a closer... 11-24-2019 | VIDEO
Mark Palmer-Falun Gong … is, in my judgment Falun Gong … is, in my judgment, the greatest single spiritual movement in Asia today. There is nothing that begins... 11-15-2019 |