Седем години от задържането на Фалун Дафа практикуващи в Сърбия Спечелени дела от български Фалун Дафа практикуващи в Сърбия Съобщение за медиите На Международния ден за правата на човека, 10... 04-04-2022 | UNCATEGORIZED
Silent Summer Absent that morning was what made the plot of pines and dirt normally so alive—its people. 11-26-2019 | WORK AND SCHOOL
Picking Up the Pieces Before the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, the shy yet resilient Ms. Yifei Wang worked as a senior... 11-16-2019 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS
Chinese Propaganda in the West When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution campaign against Falun Gong in July 1999, Chinese authorities quickly made... 10-11-2019 | VIDEO
These 138 Chinese High-Ranking Officials Who Met Their Downfall All Share One Thing in Common When Chinese leader Xi Jinping took over as the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Nov. 2012, he... 02-11-2018 | UNCATEGORIZED
Life After Torture “I thought one thing then: ‘Even if I die, I won’t give up the others’ names,'” 05-11-2017 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS