20 Years of Persecution and Resilience Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a traditional spiritual practice that consists of gentle, meditative exercises and a... 01-14-2020 | PERSECUTION IN CHINA
The Falun Gong Story When the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution campaign against Falun Gong 20 years ago, the world was, understandably, caught... 02-08-2020 | UNCATEGORIZED
'Guards drew my blood:' Falun Gong practitioner recalls nightmare in Chinese detention By Daniel Cameron It’s hard to imagine this sweet lady was tortured, almost killed, at the hands of the very... 01-17-2020 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS
Silent Summer Absent that morning was what made the plot of pines and dirt normally so alive—its people. 11-26-2019 | WORK AND SCHOOL